But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Monday, October 24, 2011


As yet another family member has been diagnosed with cancer, I am reminded of this song that I have clung to during my own treatment.  It has given me much comfort in my darkest hours....to know that my anchor is Jesus and the anchor holds.  No matter how battered we may feel or the trouble that comes into our lives, Jesus will never fail us.  He will bring us strength and walk through the battles with us.

It's been a rough two years for our family.  Nick is the fourth one in our family in less than two years to be diagnosed with cancer...first my mom, then my sister, and then me (all breast cancer)....and now Nick, with brain cancer.  Although Nick isn't "blood"....he is "family"....he is my sister's husband. 

My heart is broken right now, as the cancer has already caused Nick to go blind, but I know that God is in control.  I don't always understand everything and it's in those times that I just have to turn it all over to God and ask Him to use these trials for His glory.  I ask Him to surround my sister and Nick and the rest of his family (he has two grown daughters) with His love and to give them a peace that surpasses all human understanding.  Some hard days lie ahead of them, but I know that God will walk right beside them and when they don't think they can do it, He will hold them up.  I pray for healing and wisdom and peace.  

Until next time......Remember, we never know what lies ahead of us and one day/one event/one moment can change our whole life.  I pray that you have that "anchor" in your life.  I dedicate this song today to my sister, Pam, and her husband, Nick, and his two daughters and pray that it brings them comfort. 

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