But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I just wanted to give a quick update on my doctor visit with Dr. Jackson today.  He took the gauze away and looked at his (and Dr. Zusan's) handiwork and said I look REALLY GOOD!  I told him it was amazing that it was only a week ago and I felt like I was doing good, but I couldn't wait to hear it from a DOCTOR!  He said "you had a BIG surgery and everything looks really good....a little bruising".

Yes, I got to SEE myself and it really wasn't shocking to me.  I had prepared myself with research and kind of knew what to expect.  Now that I don't have to have all of that gauze over me, I can tell where the expander is and how my breasts are being shaped by it.  I can feel the expander....it's very hard.  And, to be honest that area is basically numb.  Most of my pain is under my arms, although if I move a certain way I can feel a muscle stretch in my breast area.

I wasn't able to get the drains out yet, but I wasn't really expecting to.  That would have been pretty fast.  My follow up with Dr. Zusan is next Monday and I'll be eager to talk with her and she may be able to take my drains out then...it all depends on the drainage slowing down.

My next appointment with Dr. Jackson will be August 17.  My life now will consist of visiting doctors...LOL!  I also visit the chemo doctor yet this month.  I don't mind...I've got the worst behind me!!!!!  Praise God for giving me the strength for what I've been through. 

Dr. Jackson will begin filling the expanders on August 17, so I'm on my way!!!!   These things are placed beneath my muscle.

Of course, me being me, I had to ask questions!   :=)  I found out that these expanders will require 650 cm (I think it was cm) to fill and they filled them 300 cm at the time of surgery.  So, that means only 350 cm more to go!  I also found out they usually fill them at the rate of 50 cm every two weeks.  So, with the first one in August, I should get 2 more fills in Sept, 2 in Oct, and 2 in Nov.  I'm soooooo hoping to have my new ta-tas for Christmas!  :=)  No guarantees, but a possibility!
All I want for Christmas is my new ta-tas, my new ta-tas, my new ta-tas......"  :=)

Until next time....feel your ta-tas for lumps and get your mammograms!

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