But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Just a quick update before I head to bed.  Today was a great day!  It's been 9 days since my first chemo and the first day I've felt more "like myself".  While I haven't felt so great the previous days, it could have been worse.  I did have nausea early on, but one of the biggest problems I found myself dealing with was "anxiety attacks" and of course fatigue.  Today I was tired, but just "felt better".  I even went to the movie tonight with my sister, Sheila. 

Tomorrow I have two doctor appointments...one with my chemo doctor and one with my surgeon.  Both of these appointments are follows-ups and I'm glad to get to go and see what they have to say.  With the chemo being the very day after my surgery, I tended to forget that I was also recuperating from surgery.  While I'm sore, I'm pretty sure I'm healing up good. 

My life seems to be consumed with doctor appointments, but I actually look forward to them so they can tell me if we're making progress with killing this nasty cancer. 

My next chemo treatment will be May 11, so hopefully that means I'll have about a week and a half of feeling "normal" before I get hit again.  I won't sugarcoat it....it wasn't much fun.  But, it could have been much worse too.

On another note...I still have hair!  :=)

My sister and I have signed up for the local Relay for Life and will be participating in the "Survivor's Lap" on Friday evening at 6 PM.  I am trying to raise money to support this cause and if you feel lead to donate, please visit my personal page here.  You can also donate by purchasing a Luminary to honor those you may know who are fighting the battle or have fought the battle in the past.  I am really looking forward to participating in this with my sister.  Believe me, research IS making a difference and we are two lives who are benefitting from all of the past donations!

Until next time....thanks be to God for His blessings...

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