But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I was so surprised to go to the mailbox yesterday and find the results of my BRCA1 AND BRCA2 Genetic mutation test.  It's negative!!!!  Yay....more good news!  I was so happy to get it yesterday.  They had told me it would be 2 weeks and two weeks is Monday....so I totally wasn't expecting it in the mail yesterday.  As a matter of fact, I thought they'd be calling me first because it's an extremely expensive test ($3-4 thousand) and they try to get the insurance to pay all of it but at least $375.  So, I was expecting a call first to tell me how much the insurance would pay.  They evidently paid enough for them to go ahead and proceed with the test...I'm eager to see how much they actually paid.  I've already met my deductible and my out of pocket expenses....didn't take long!  I'm so thankful we have insurance.

Anyway, this is good news, especially for my daughters.  If it had come back positive, then it would have meant I had a genetic mutation that I could have passed on to them.  Although genetics could still be involved, these are the only tests they have at this time.  So, we'll take it!  It's actually a very simple blood test.  Then they send your blood to a genetic lab in Utah (the only place that tests for this).  Because of the expense of it and the rarity of a positive result, you have to be qualified to even get the test done.  My doctor told me that only 5% come back positive, so I was honestly expecting a negative result...but it's good to have the "for sure" result. 

Ok, this is two days after my first chemo....and I threw up this morning.  Crap, I wasn't planning to do that.  LOL!  It wasn't much....not a great big deal.  And to be honest, I've got some sinus drainage going on, so I'm not real sure the chemo is what caused it.  I feel better though.  I didn't particularly feel "BAD"...just "out of sorts".  The day I got chemo and the next day (yesterday), I was just fine.  The biggest thing I had noticed is a dry mouth, so I'm constantly drinking something.  I figured it would hit me after the first couple of days, so this would be the day!  But, honestly, it isn't too bad.  And I've still got hair!  :=)

Until next time....I'll just be taking it easy!  :=)

Temp:  98.0

1 comment:

  1. Great news from your genetic tests! Very good for the whole family, and especially promising for you after waiting out the results. This must give you even more hope than ever and a good measure of relief. Keep doing what you're doing. You may start feeling a bit weaker and more like a "patient" as time passes, but I know you won't let it get you down! Love Ya! ~ Brenda
